Construction material: Steel
Steel is probably the most versatile comnonly used structural material. Not only is its versatility apparent in great varlety of structures or which it is used but also in many different of structural steel of interest to the designer can be described by the behavior of steel during a simple tension test. The essential elements in steel are metallic iron element non-metallic carbon, with small quantities of other elements such as slicon nickel, manganese chromium and copper. It is thus an alloys. Though steel is usually more than 98% iron, with other element present in same quantities, these other element have pronounced effect on the properties of steel. Various iron - carbon alloys used as structural material are of three types (I) Cast iron (I) Wrought iron (Ill) Steel cast iron Steel cast iron a low carbon content, while wrought iron has high carbon content. In many ways steels are intermediate in carbon content, between cast iron and wrought iron. The approx...